Newest eurolaser G3 in our plant

Recently, our warehouses have been equipped with modern laser machine produced by the German brand eurolaser- our longstanding collaborator.
Recently, our warehouses have been equipped with modern laser machine produced by the German brand eurolaser- our longstanding collaborator.
We are well aware that we owe a lot to natural enviroment. That is why we try to support the environment…
We take care of our stock level and try our best to keep big quantities of available materials. This way we are able to start every production immediately and thereby we do not expose our client to long waiting for the order.
From many years we expand our business and take care for clients, but also for positive image of our brand. We know that acting together with you we can achieve huge success and stay on the market, despite competition rising year by year.
We control the condition of our equipment and in the right moment we enrich our machinery park with new, more efficient devices. This is why we came into possession with the newest heating lines designed for thin plastic bending.